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Chicago Home Care Resources

  • City of Chicago Office of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights

    The City of Chicago Office of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights (IMRR) partners with community organizations, academic institutions and the private sector to provide a wide range of information, resources and services. IMMR’s website resources include:

    • A Know Your Rights Guide (Translations are available in Spanish, French, Simplified Chinese, Ukrainian and Haitian Creole)
    • A Resource Guide for New Arrivals in Chicago (Translations are available in Spanish, French, Arabic, Haitian Creole and Portuguese)
    • Citizenship requirements and how to apply for citizenship
    • Information and resources for new Americans
    • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) eligibility and resources
    • Legal Protection Fund information and more
  • Migrant Ministry

    Migrant Ministry of the Catholic Parishes of Oak Park provides a variety of support services to help migrants and asylum seekers work toward achieving financial independence. Located at the former St. Edmund School (now St. Edmund Center) at 200 S. Oak Park Ave. in Oak Park, Migrant Ministry offers:

    • Resources
    • Advocacy
    • Help finding food, housing and other supports
    • Family mentors
  • Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Resources

    This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) aims to help guide parents and caregivers through the steps to become a certified nursing assistant (CNA). It links to several websites and provides general guidelines.

    Please note information may change, so be sure to go directly to the Illinois Department of Public Health’s (IDPH) website to verify information remains accurate and up to date.

    Certified Nursing Assistant Resources in English

    Certified Nursing Assistant Resources in Spanish

  • ISBE Resiliency Toolkit

    The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)’s Resiliency Toolkit is a collection of resources designed to foster safe and healthy school climates. In response to the growing mental health challenges that Illinois youth face, this toolkit offers developmentally appropriate tools to help students, parents, caregivers and school personnel build the resilience necessary to thrive.

    ISBE’s Resiliency Toolkit topics include:

    • Mental health
    • Discrimination and harassment
    • Preventing and addressing bullying
    • Substance use prevention and more
  • World Relief Chicagoland

    World Relief Chicagoland is a not-for-profit agency providing services to refugees and immigrants in Aurora, Chicago and DuPage County. World Relief Chicagoland provides financial, emotional, and cultural support to refugees from around the world.

    World Relief Chicagoland programs and services include:

    • An Immigrant Resource Hub in multiple languages
    • Immigration legal services
    • Workforce development
    • Adult education
    • Children and youth support
    • Mental health services
  • Cook for Love

    Cook For Love is a nonprofit organization providing support, resources and education to individuals, families and clinicians managing phenylketonuria (PKU). The site empowers members of the metabolic disorders community to improve their health through cooking and education.

    Cook for Love’s website includes:

    • Recipes for creating low-protein foods
    • Information about low-protein products to keep in your pantry
    • Step-by-step instructions
    • Videos for making meals and treats
  • Complex Care at Home for Children

    The Complex Care at Home for Children website aims to provide an educational resource for parents and caregivers of children with medical complexity. The site offers information and tools to help facilitate daily care, ensuring a safe environment for the child and family. Topics include:

    • Tracheostomy and other types of respiratory care
    • Peritoneal dialysis
    • Enterostomy care
    • Enteral nutrition
    • Parenteral nutrition
    • Intravenous antibiotic therapy
    • Intermittent bladder catheterization
  • Illinois Poison Center’s Caregivers Guide

    The Illinois Poison Center’s Caregivers Guide webpage offers practical advice on keeping children safe from potentially harmful substances. The guide provides general safety tips along with concrete steps for medicine safety, handbag/purse safety and plant safety. It also offers:

    You can also download a PDF of the guide:

    In case of emergency, call the Poison Center Helpline at (800) 222-1222. Calls are free and confidential.

  • Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)

    Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE) provides research, resources and advocacy to improve the quality of life and health of people of all ages with food allergy. Food allergy can cause life-threatening allergic reactions. FARE supports food allergy research, education programs for people with and without food allergy, and awareness around healthcare options and treatment.

    FARE programs and services also include:

  • Junior Achievement USA and Illinois Chapters

    Junior Achievement USA (JA) helps young people own their economic success, plan for their future and make smart academic and economic choices. The organization offers educational materials for schools and other organizations and hands-on learning experiences for students focusing on work readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. JA Connect also provides online self-guided activities to help students learn, apply and practice new skills. JA outreach in Illinois also includes: