Resource Directory /

Champaign Resources

  • Rattle the Stars Suicide Prevention Services and Training

    Rattle the Stars provides community-based suicide prevention services, information and training to the Champaign County area, including:

    • Suicide prevention consultations
    • Suicide intervention training
    • Private training for groups and assistance developing a comprehensive suicide response plan
    • Student-led school suicide prevention chapters
    • Comfort dog support
    • Speaking engagements and workshops

    All Rattle the Stars services are free. Visit their website for program information and additional resources.

  • National Parent Helpline

    Offers emotional support from a trained advocate to help you become an empowered and stronger parent. Parent advocates can list, offer emotional support, help you problem-solve, connect you with local resources, help you explore new resources and more.

    The National Parent Helpline is available Monday through Friday from 12 – 9 p.m. at (855) 427-2736 (855-4A PARENT).

  • The Immigration Project

    The Immigration Project provides individual attorney consultations and evaluations in Spanish and English on immigration issues in central and southern Illinois. Immigration attorneys and specialists travel to meet with clients in seven regional locations throughout downstate Illinois. They also have offices in Normal and Champaign.

    The Immigration Project has a Facebook page and may be reached at (309) 829-8703 or

  • FAQ on New Special Education Laws for Students Who Turn 22

    In July 2021, House Bill 40 and House Bill 2748 became law, allowing Illinois special education students to continue attending school through the end of the school year in which they turn 22. The package also allows special needs students who recently turned 22 and were impacted by COVID-19 to remain eligible for educational services up to the end of the regular 2021-22 school year.

    The Illinois State Board of Education has put together a frequently-asked-questions document on the new laws (Public Act 102-0172 and Public Act 102-0173).

    A press release summarizing the legislation is also available on