Champaign Resources
Disability Belongs™ Virtual Education & Students With Disabilities Resource Guide
Disability Belongs™ Virtual Education & Students with Disabilities Resource Guide offers a wide range of information for supporting student success. This toolkit includes:
- Virtual resource guides
- Homeschool programs
- Information on legal rights
- Special education resources
- Mental health resources and more
Hosted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and VaccineFinder from Boston Children’s Hospital, provides information and help with:
- Finding recommended vaccines for respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, the flu and RSV
- Making an appointment
- Answering frequently asked questions about the vaccines
Vaccine Information for Parents With Children With Disabilities
Vax for All provides vaccine information and other helpful tips for parents and caregivers of a child with autism and other disabilities. Resources on the website include:
- Stories, videos and other kid-friendly disability resources
- How vaccines work – explanations for children and adults
- A vaccine appointment scheduling tool
- Information about in-home vaccine appointments for children in Illinois
Parents may text HELLO to (260) VAX-4ALL / (260) 829-425 to find information or chat.
Para obtener información sobre cómo vacunar a su hijo, envíe un mensaje de texto con HOLA al (260) 829-4255.
Etiquette: Interacting with People with Disabilities
People with disabilities are individuals with families, jobs, hobbies, likes and dislikes, and problems and joys. While the disability is an integral part of who they are, it alone does not define them.
RespectAbility offers tips and resources to educate the public about etiquette and interacting with people with disabilities. Featured information includes:
- A disability sensitivity training video from the D. C. Office of Disability Rights
- The United Spinal Association’s Disability Etiquette booklet (Spanish) (Chinese)
People First: A Guide to Interacting With People With Disabilities
The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDHS/DRS) is dedicated to empowering people with disabilities in becoming full participants in our society.
With “People First: A Guide to Interacting with People With Disabilities,” IDHS/DRS provides general etiquette tips and information on people-first language to foster respect and inclusion for people with disabilities.
How SSI and SSDI Can Help Patients
The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) provides valuable information and understanding to patients navigating the healthcare system.
PAF’s Education Resource Library offers information on a wide variety of individual health and health insurance-related topics as well as understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).
Many of PAF’s resources are also available in Spanish.
PAF is also available by phone Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., at (800) 532-5274.
Navigating Health Insurance and the Health Care System
The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) provides valuable information and understanding to patients navigating the healthcare system.
PAF’s Education Resource Library offers information on a wide variety of individual health and health insurance-related topics including:
- Finding and Selecting Insurance
- Making the Most of Your Health Insurance
- Engaging with Insurers: Appealing a Denial
- Patient Advocate Foundation Drug Formulary FAQ
Watch their short tutorial “Welcome to the Education Resource Library” to learn how to find and share materials. Many of the materials are available in English and Spanish.
PAF is also available by phone Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., at (800) 532-5274.
Getting the Care You Need: A Guide for People With Disabilities
“Getting the Care You Need: A Guide for People with Disabilities” aims to empower patients with disabilities by explaining their rights to accessible care.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides this resource. It is available in multiple languages, including:
Resources to Understand and Maximize Your Health Coverage
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has developed the Coverage to Care (C2C) initiative. C2C provides information to help you understand your health coverage and connect to primary care and the preventive services that are right for you.
Resources are provided in multiple languages and on topics including:
- Five steps for making the most of your health coverage
- Telehealth services
- A step-by-step roadmap to health
- A companion roadmap to behavioral health
- Videos on maximizing your health coverage
How to Support a Child with Epilepsy: Information for Parents
“How to Support a Child with Epilepsy: Information for Parents” from, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ parenting website, provides tips for encouraging and supporting a child with epilepsy from infancy to adulthood. Topics include:
- Recognizing and treating seizures as early as possible
- Talking to your child’s doctor
- Discussing epilepsy openly and honestly with your child and others
- Finding childcare
- Teens with epilepsy
- Transitioning to adulthood
Additional resources for explaining epilepsy to others, building a care notebook, asking your medical team questions and what to do if your child has a seizure are also available.