A free in-person monthly support group for adults with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition Join the National Alliance...
Free support, connection and guidance for your family's healing journey. After experiencing the death of someone close to us, we often feel lost, alone and...
Free, virtual educational and activity-based group for teens ages 12 and up who have a brother or sister with a disability or chronic condition Advocate...
A free opportunity for parents of children with autism and developmental differences to meet other parents, connect with services and attend workshops The Chicago Autism...
Free, in-person educational and activity-based group for children ages 6 to 11 who have a brother or sister with a disability or chronic condition Advocate...
Scholarship opportunity for individuals with inherited metabolic disorders who are pursuing post-secondary educational or vocational opportunities flok is accepting applications for the Guthrie-Koch Scholarship through...
Join siblings of people with disabilities for this virtual Midwest Sib Connection series and countdown to National Siblings Day! Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters (S.I.B.S.)...
A free webinar covering state guidelines and tips for developing an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Join the Resource...
Free webinar on guardianship and other legal planning considerations for your child with disabilities The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee (Will-Grundy TPC) and The Arc of...