Webinar – “Exploring Post-Secondary Options for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities”
A virtual outreach event for families, educators and providers exploring post-secondary options for young adults with developmental disabilities
Connect to Community is hosting a virtual panel presentation “Exploring Post-Secondary Options for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities” on Feb. 11 from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
This educational outreach event is designed to provide families, educators and service providers with useful information related to the transition process as well as life in the community after educational entitlements end.
Representatives will discuss their unique programs and what they have to offer at:
- Elmhurst University – ELSA (Elmhurst Learning and Success Academy)
- Judson University – RISE (Road to Independent Living. Spiritual Formation and Employment)
- National Louis University – P.A.C.E. (Path to Academics, Community and Employment)
- Shepherds College (Union Grove, Wisconsin)
- University of Wisconsin-Whitewater – LIFE (Learning is for Everyone)
Time will be available after each speaker for audience questions.
The event is free but you must register by Feb. 9.
A Zoom link for the presentation go out a day before the event using the email address that you supply. If you do not receive the link, please email ConnectToCommunityInc@gmail.com.