We Are Parents Webinar Series – “Attachment? Why Do I Need to Know About Attachment?”
A free webinar series for parents and health and human service providers on attachment theory basics
The McLean County Health Department and Carle‘s We Are Parents webinar series continues with “Attachment? Why Do I Need to Know About Attachment?” on Jan. 20 from 12 to 12:50 p.m.
The presentation will give an overview of attachment theory basics. You can use the information to raise your child with a sense of emotional security and to build a stronger relationship with your child.
You can learn how to strengthen your attachment with your child in safe and healthy ways.
This webinar series focuses on how the pandemic has affected relationships and ways that parents and caregivers can help children be stronger as we move into the post-pandemic world.
See the webinar flyer for more details.
Register online. Advance registration is appreciated.