Virtual Youth Summer Program for Teens with Spinal Cord Injuries and Disesase
A virtual youth summer program featuring guest speakers and interactive activities for teenagers with spinal cord injuries and disease (SCI/D) ages 14 to 18
Join BACKBONES‘ Youth Summer Program via Zoom on June 29 from 1 to 3 p.m. Participants meet each Wednesday from mid-June through Aug. 17.
The BACKBONES Youth Summer Program is a fun opportunity to connect with other individuals ages 14 to 18 with SCI/D and learn directly from leaders and professionals in the disability community.
The program will feature guest speakers and interactive activities to build self-advocacy skills and learn about topics important to youth with disabilities including:
- Going to college
- Storytelling and social media
- Employment
- Recreation and travel
- Dating
In addition to the weekly meetings, program participants will receive a $500 life improvement stipend that can be put towards education, anything wheelchair-related, recreation, business or travel. A professional photo session is also included in the program.
Click here to download the BACKBONES Youth Summer Program flyer.
Sign up online to attend the Youth Summer Program.
For questions, contact Michael Maruzzi at