Virtual – Loss of a Special Needs Sibling Chat
Free, virtual gathering for adult siblings who have lost a sibling with a disability
Join Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters (S.I.B.S.) on Zoom for “Loss of a Special Needs Sibling Chat” on Aug. 22 from 7 to 8 p.m.
Any adult siblings who have a sibling with a disability who has died are welcome to attend.
This chat will feature a special guest expert on grief.
The Loss of a Special Needs Siblings Chats take place four times a year and are a mixture of speakers and open discussion.
Click here to join the chat on Zoom.
In between virtual meetings, individuals can find support on the S.I.B.S. website’s Sibling Grief page or join the S.I.B.S.’ Loss of a Special Needs Sibling Facebook group.