Tourette Camp USA in Ingleside
Weeklong camp giving kids with Tourette syndrome ages 8 to 16 years old an unforgettable life-changing experience
Join the Tourette Syndrome Camp Organization (TSCO) for Tourette Syndrome Camp USA from June 23 to 29.
At Tourette Syndrome Camp USA, campers will enjoy:
- Meeting other kids who share similar experiences
- Experiencing an environment where their tics are accepted
- Exploring coping mechanisms in a positive and safe environment
- Swimming, boating, hiking and more
The overnight camp is for children and youth ages 8 to 16 whose primary diagnosis is Tourette syndrome (TS) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and to a lesser degree attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
The TS camp program takes place concurrently with a traditional YMCA camp. TSCO is not a therapeutic program and there are some limitations in accepting children whose needs are beyond the scope of its design. The focus of the camp’s staff will be to provide general supervision with as much one-on-one mentoring as the situation permits.
In addition to providing in-services to all Camp Duncan counselors, TSCO supplements the staff by providing volunteer counselors who have TS or have experience dealing with TS. Campers must be able to handle routine daily living skills (e.g., dressing, self-hygiene) and have the ability to function within a group setting.
The cost is $735 to $875 per camper. Scholarships are available based on need. See the scholarship application for more details.
Register for Tourette Syndrome Camp USA and include your $25 deposit. Applications and your deposit are due by June 3.
For questions, please contact Scott Loeff at