SEASPAR Summer 2018 Day Camps
Variety of camp options for youth of all ages with disabilities.
South East Association for Special Parks and Recreation’s (SEASPAR) 2018 day camps are themed, “Passport to Fun.” Sessions begin on June 11 and are held throughout the summer.
Campers will have a lot to encounter this summer as they journey to new discoveries through a variety of exciting expeditions prepared by camp staff. Traditional day camp activities are planned, as well as some new experiences.
The camp provides a structured environment for campers to enjoy productive leisure activities. The following goals are also met through participation:
• Improve each child’s motor skills and physical fitness;
• Improve each child’s swimming ability;
• Encourage each child to play with other children and make new friends;
• Help children retain their school year academic skills through activities to aid in increased attention span, fine motor skills, language skills and self-expression;
• Help children learn about and enjoy recreation activities and facilities available in the SEASPAR area; and
• Provide daily experiences that help each child feel successful and good about himself/herself.
Click on the SEASPAR Summer Day Camp Guide: 2018 for more details and registration information.