Peace of the Heart Kids Camp in Joliet
A day camp for children and teens ages 7 to 13 who have experienced the death of a loved one
Lightways Grief Support Team is hosting Peace of the Heart Kids Camp on Aug. 7 to 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.
Peace of the Heart Kids Camp is a four-day grief camp for kids ages 7 to 13 who have experienced the death of a loved one.
Activities offer kids the opportunity to process their grief and meet others who have experienced a loss.
Camp activities will include hiking, fishing, arts and crafts, music and games.
See the Peace of the Heart Camp flyer for more details.
Register online to attend. The deadline to register is June 30. Earlier registration is recommended to reserve your spot.
You can also email or contact Lucy Stoica at (815) 460-3295 to request an application.