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Northern Will County Special Recreation Association’s Virtual Summer Programs


Monday, June 22, 2020    
11:00 am

Event Type

The Northern Will County Special Recreation Association has canceled all in-person summer programs but is offering a variety of virtual programs for the summer months. The schedule for June is as follows:
  • Morning Bingo
     45 minutes
    June 22, 11 a.m.
    Join your friends as we play Bingo from the comfort of your own home. An email will be sent the day of the program with a link to the Bingo game. You do not need to print Bingo cards unless you choose to. The link that will be sent allows you to click the number called and an “X” will be placed in the box that you clicked.
  • Lunch Bunch
     45 minutes
    June 24, 12 p.m.
    Come catch up with your NWCSRA friends during our virtual Lunch Bunch program. We will socialize and enjoy our lunches together. Please have your lunch prepared and ready to eat at noon!
  • Sports Trivia
     30 minutes
    June 26, 1 p.m.
    Come test your knowledge and see how much you know about sports!
  • Hangman
     30 minutes
    June 29, 11 a.m.
    Join us while we play virtual Hangman! Take turns guessing letters with your friends to see who can solve the puzzle first!

To join a program:

    1. Visit the program scheduling page
    2. Click on the program you would like to register for
    3. Click the date you are attending
    4. Click “continue”
    5. Fill out the participant’s information
    6. Click complete appointment