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Midwest Sib Connection “YoungSib Connect: Adult Sibling Panel Q&A”


Wednesday, April 2, 2025    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Event Type

Join siblings of people with disabilities for this virtual Midwest Sib Connection series and countdown to National Siblings Day!

Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters (S.I.B.S.) and sibling chapters from Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin will host “Midwest Sib Connection: Countdown to National Sibling Day!” Weekly sessions will focus on networking and sharing sibling experiences.

The series will begin on March 17. It will wrap up with a special National Siblings Day celebration on April 10.

The Missouri Sibling Leadership Network will host “YoungSib Connect: Adult Sibling Panel Q&A” on April 2 from 6 to 7 p.m.

This event is for young siblings of individuals with physical, mental or intellectual disabilities. It is a chance for young siblings ages 8 to 14 to ask this special adult sibling panel their questions.

Panelists will talk about topics such as:

  • Sibling rivalry and resentment
  • The importance of patience
  • Addressing feelings
  • Being an advocate

Register for “YoungSib Connect: Adult Sibling Panel Q&A” on Zoom.

The series will wrap up with a “National Siblings Day Celebration!” on April 10 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.