Midweek Masterclass with the Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
A free webinar covering the Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services’ resources to help adults with disabilities and their families navigate employment, education, independent living and more
Every Step of the Way Resource Center (ESW) will host the “Midweek Masterclass with Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)” on March 26 from 6 to 7 p.m.
The Illinois Department of Human Services, DRS, is the state’s lead agency serving individuals with disabilities.
Join DRS representative Rahnee Patrick to learn more about how the department works in partnership with people with disabilities and their families to help with:
- Making informed choices
- Full community participation through employment
- Education and independent living opportunities
The webinar is free.
ESW provides free resources and referrals to adults with mild to profound intellectual disabilities ages 20 and up and their parents/caregivers.
Register online for “Midweek Masterclass with Illinois Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS).”