Events /

Joliet ITAC Open House


Monday, October 30, 2017    
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Disability Resource Center
77 N. 129th Infantry Drive, Joliet, IL, 60435

Event Type

Free hearing screening and amplified phone or cell phone amplifier

Disability Resource Center welcomes members of the community with hearing loss to a free open house to learn about the Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (ITAC) program, have a free hearing screening by Joliet audiologist Dr. Karen Pastell of Prairieland Audiology, and select an amplified phone and/or cell phone amplifier, free of charge. Attendees need only provide photo I.D. and a copy of their most recent phone bill.

ITAC provides free amplified phones to qualified Illinois residents with hearing loss. Disability Resource Center is a Selection Center for the service, where consumers who have trouble hearing on conventional phones can stop by and try out the amplified phones and select the best one for their needs.