Grandma Martyl Low Vision Summer Day Camp in Wheaton
A weeklong day camp filled with fun and learning for children ages 9 to 19 with visual impairment
Join Spectrios Institute for Low Vision for its Grandma Martyl Low Vision Summer Day Camp on July 17 to 21 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Campers with low vision will explore their potential and participate in hands-on training to help them succeed in school and beyond.
Students in sixth through 12th grade will enjoy making friends with other visually impaired individuals. Activities will include:
- Exploring the latest access tech and low-tech tools to help make your life easier
- Advocating for yourself
- Taking field trips
Campers must be Illinois residents, ages 9 to 19, and have a visual impairment.
The cost is $50 and includes lunch, snacks and costs associated with ticketed activities (including transportation). Scholarships are available.
Register for Grandma Martyl Low Vision Summer Day Camp. Space is limited.