Events /

Free American Sign Language Classes for Families (English and Spanish)


Monday, April 10, 2023    
All Day

Event Type


Free virtual and in-person sign language classes for families with children who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing

The CHS (Chicago Hearing Society) is offering free Family Sign Language classes. The virtual classes will run from April through May. Class dates and times vary.

Instructors who are deaf and communicate using American Sign Language (ASL) and written English (or Spanish) teach the classes. The classes will not use any audio.

These classes are free to family members of children from birth through high school who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing. Extended family members are welcome.

You do not have to be an Illinois resident to participate.

There are several options for classes offered in English:

  • Virtual Family Beginners (English) is on Mondays, April 10 to May 15, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. This class is for individuals new to sign language or who need more practice with vocabulary and putting together simple sentences.
  • In-Person Family Beginners is on Tuesdays, April 4 to May 9, from 6 to 7 p.m. This level is for individuals who know some sign language and would like to practice phrases and sentences. This class is at Anixter Center, 1945 W Wilson Ave., Chicago.

A virtual class is also available for Spanish speakers / Clase de español familiar:

If you have questions about these classes, please contact Maddie Hinkle at, VP (773) 904-0143 or call (773) 248-9121, ext. 257.

Estas clases son GRATUITAS para los familiares de niños sordos y con problemas de audición desde el nacimiento hasta la escuela secundaria. Los miembros de la familia extendida son bienvenidos. USTED NO necesita residir en Illinois para participar.

Por favor, enumere a todos los miembros de la familia que planean asistir para que podamos tener un recuento preciso de cuántas personas esperar para la clase.

Los instructores son sordos y se comunican usando ASL e inglés escrito. ¡NO SE UTILIZARÁ AUDIO!

Sesión Invierno: Avril 8, 2023 – Mayo 13, 2023

**Clase de español familiar: sabados 10 – 11:30am CST

Enlace de registro.

¿Preguntas? Maddie Hinkle at, VP (773) 904-0143 or call (773) 248-9121, ext. 257.