Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois Social Monthly Support Group
An opportunity to see friends and enjoy time together at the St. Louis Arch and museum
Join the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois and Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois-Southern Region for their Social Monthly Support Group on Sept. 13 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
September’s meeting includes seeing the St. Louis Arch and museum. The group will meet at 11 N. Fourth St. in St. Louis.
The monthly support group provides individuals with epilepsy, their family members and others opportunities to explore the community, meet new people and learn about different resources and options.
See the event flyer for more details.
Please RSVP to Elizabeth Daniels at (618) 236-2181, ext. 109, or elizabethd@epilepsygsil.org. Participants must register by Sept. 8.