Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois Monthly Recreational Support Group
The Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Southern Illinois offers monthly recreational, educational and caregiver support groups.
The “Recreational Support Group” has fun exploring different sites and attractions throughout the Greater St. Louis and Belleville area. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Participants will enjoy making friends and visiting a different site each month.
Participants must bring money for lunch. Water is available.
See EFGSI’s Calendar of Events page on their website for the meetup location and other details.
RSVP to Elizabeth Daniels at (618) 236-2181, ext. 109, or elizabethd@epilepsygsil.org. You must make reservations by Thursday, the week before the trip. Seating is limited.