Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Scholarship Applications Open in DuPage County
Scholarship opportunity for DuPage County residents who are low-income with high academic potential
The DuPage County Department of Community Services is offering college and occupational training scholarships for individuals who are low-income with high academic potential.
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Scholarship is a competitive award providing help to pay for tuition, books, supplies and other school-related items for a semester or a quarter.
Recipients can use the scholarship for formal education or occupational training in an accredited Illinois educational institution. They can also use it for short-term training (two years or less) in growth occupation skills.
Applicants must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale and be:
- CSBG income-eligible (see application for guidelines)
- A DuPage County resident
- Enrolled or accepted at an Illinois-accredited higher educational or occupational training institute
The CSBG Scholarship program will select recipients on a competitive basis. Students studying in high technology areas or other growth occupations will receive priority.
CSBG Scholarship application forms are available on the DuPage County Government website. You can also pick up information at the DuPage County Department of Community Services office during business hours.
The deadline to submit your application and supporting documents is May 3 by 4:30 p.m.