Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Seminar in Springfield – Evening Session

Learn more about recognizing the signs of abuse and how to prevent it.
Nothing is more important than keeping our children healthy and safe. While we hope that all adults in their life share this goal, parents and caregivers must remain vigilant and know how to spot potential danger. Research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control estimates that approximately 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls are sexually abused before the age of 18.
The Parent Place in Springfield is holding a child sexual abuse prevention seminar that will address:
- What is child sexual abuse?
- How common is it?
- Why don’t abused children tell?
- What are the warning signs?
- How do we protect our children?
A light meal and door prizes will be available for attendees.
The seminar will also be held earlier in the day from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Participants are asked to RSVP to Amy Chase at (217) 753-8730, ext. 102, by Dec. 5.
Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, children under 18 years old should not be present in the building during the seminar.