Camp BETA in Makanda
A free, overnight camp for children ages 10 to 16 with Type 1 diabetes and an opportunity for counselors-in-training for youth ages 16 ro 17 with diabetes
Camp BETA will be Sept. 10-11 thanks to the collaboration of Southern Illinois Healthcare, the Diabetes Today Resource Team, the SIU Touch of Nature Environmental Center, the SIU Dietetic Internship program, and many area volunteers and civic organizations.
The camp is at Southern Illinois University Touch of Nature Environmental Center, 1206 Touch of Nature Rd., Makanda.
Campers will build confidence, make new friends and enjoy:
- Hiking and orienteering
- Boating
- Arts and crafts
- Archery
- Horseback riding
- Climbing wall
Camp Beta is a free overnight camp for youth ages 10 to 16 with Type 1 diabetes. Opportunities are also available for counselors-in-training for youth ages 16 to 17 with diabetes.
See the camp flyer for more details.
Sign up for Camp Beta online. The deadline to sign up is Aug. 1.
For more information, contact Sandra Schwartz at (618) 457-5200, ext. 67837, or
Camp Beta will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines.