Bowling with Friends for Children with Hearing Loss and their Families in Chicago
Free family bowling event for kids with hearing loss ages 5 and older and their families in Chicago
Join the Foundation for Hearing and Speech Resources (FHSR) for “Bowling with Friends” on May 18 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
FHSR’s Bowling with Friends is a free and fun celebration of community and shared experiences for kids with hearing loss and their families.
Enjoy plenty of bowling, laughing and hanging out – with new and old friends!
Activities will include:
- Bowling
- Eating pizza and cookies
- Learning about resources supporting deaf and hard of hearing children and their families and caregivers
- A chance to win giveaways
The event is free and open to kids with hearing loss ages 5 and older and their families.
See the Bowling with Friends flyer for more details.