“Ask the Experts” Parent Mentor Training in Springfield
Hear from experts on topics such as home-based supports, residential services, employment, IEPs, transition services and more.
Families of children with disabilities must navigate numerous systems to help ensure the best life for their child. Parents are invited to attend this event at the Early Learning Center in Springfield and hear from experts representing a range of backgrounds and experiences, including home-based supports, Supplemental Security Income/Social Security Disability, trusts and guardianship, residential services, employment, PUNS, individualized education programs and transition services.
The event will include a question-and-answer segment. Snacks and refreshments will be served.
Contact Mary Wyman at (217) 525-3060 or mwyman@sps186.org to RSVP. Childcare will be provided for children ages 3 and up, however a limited number of spots are available. Parents needing childcare must RSVP by Jan. 8.
Please call Mary Wyman at (217) 525-3060 with questions.