2022 Institute for Parents of Preschool Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Free, one-week program providing support and information for families of children with hearing loss
The Institute for Parents of Preschool Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing is a one-week program for parents of children ages 7 and under who have a significant hearing loss. It takes place on the campus of the Illinois School for the Deaf in Jacksonville from June 12-17, 2022.
Participating parents and caregivers will attend daily lectures by experts in the field to learn about raising a child with hearing loss. Lecture topics include:
- Child development
- Types of hearing loss
- Language development
- Communication choices
- Hearing aids and cochlear implants
- Deaf culture
- Parent rights
- School programming
During the Institute, children attend classrooms overseen by experienced teachers of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. They have the opportunity to receive hearing, vision, psychological, speech, language and educational evaluations as well as play with other children who have a hearing loss.
Siblings who are 12 and under are welcome to attend. There is no cost for families to participate.
UIC’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) supports the Institute, along with other sponsors.
See the 2022 Institute brochure for more details. (The brochure is also available in Spanish.)
To sign up or learn more information, contact DSCC at (800) 322-3722 or dsccinstitute@uic.edu.