2022 Camp Lions of Illinois – Helen Keller Week in Dixon
A free week of fun and challenging activities for eligible adults 18 and older who have vision or hearing loss
Camp Lions of Illinois is hosting “Helen Keller Week” from June 26 to July 2 at Camp Reynoldswood, 621 Reynoldswood Road, in Dixon.
Camp Lions of Illinois offers campers 18 years old and up a week of fun, challenging activities and an opportunity to make new friends with peers of similar abilities.
Campers will enjoy swimming, canoeing, team sports, archery, fishing, horseback riding, cookouts, crafts and nature programs. Every session offers new opportunities to explore new skills.
Eligible adults have a visual acuity range of total blindness or a 20/70 vision in both eyes after best correction and/or have an auditory loss that requires daily usage of sign language, lip-reading, hearing devices or a cochlear implant.
Visit the Camp Lions website for more information and to register. Registration must be submitted by May 1 to guarantee a free t-shirt.
You may also email camplions@lifnd.org or visit the Camp Lions Facebook page.