13th Annual Illinois Statewide Transition Conference

The “Stepping Stones of Transition” conference shares services and resources available to prepare for success in adulthood.
The statewide transition conference, titled “Stepping Stones of Transition,” highlights the opportunities and resources available for youth and young adults with special healthcare needs as they transition to adulthood. It will take place Oct. 23-24 at the Bank of Springfield Center in Springfield.
The conference is aimed at youth, parents, caretakers, vocational professionals, healthcare professionals, educators and so on. Participants are invited to discuss the possibilities for students with disabilities in the areas of independent living, education and training, employment, community integration, health care and self-advocacy.
Youth and young adults with special healthcare needs will learn how to plan for their future, including:
- What happens after I leave high school?
- How do I sort through the maze of resources?
- What steps can I take now to prepare for upcoming changes?
- What skills are important for me to develop?
This year’s conference will feature the Family Oasis Resource Room that will be staffed by “veteran” family members who have experienced their child’s transition. Families will have the opportunity to relax and share valuable insights with other who are/were in their shoes.
More information, including how to register, is available at http://www.illinoistransitionconference.org/.
The deadline for paper registration is Sept. 8, and the deadline for online registration is Sept. 15.
UIC’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) may be able to fund DSCC families’ conference-related expenses, including registration, hotel, transportation and/or a personal attendant. Call your Care Coordinator to find out more or call (800) 322-3722.