COVID-19 SERIES, Part 1: Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First

This Family Voices Resources eBlast shares resources for self-care and asks us to consider what happens if we get sick, with related types of emergency planning to consider in order to be prepared.

Spanish Version

Center for Parent Information and Resources: Multilingual Resources on COVID-19

Various multilingual resources to help families.

Are You Ready? Preparing for Emergencies: Tips for Families

Teaching kids hand washing during COVID-19

Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics

Advice for Parents Experiencing Stress Over COVID-19

The American Academy of Pediatrics advises parents facing stressors over COVID-19 to practice self-care, to reach out to others for help, and to use healthy discipline techniques, such as time-outs.

COVID-19 Response Fund

United Way of Central Illinois and The Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln have joined together to create the COVID-19 Response Fund to deploy resources to community-based organizations at the front lines of a coronavirus spread in Illinois’ greater capital region.

(217) 535-3120

Stephenson County COVID-19 Information

Stephenson County COVID-19 Information provides links to resources and agencies that can provide you with the best up-to-date information.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services

Information from the Social Security Administration

COVID-19 resources for families and individuals in Illinois.

Information from the Shriner Center on Poverty Law

Salvation Army in Decatur

The Salvation Army of Decatur’s Social Service Center remains operational to serve those in need during these turbulent times. We currently offer services through our Food Pantry on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Our Pantry Manager and dedicated staff have converted to pre-boxed distribution as part of our coordinated response to COVID-19. Prescription Vouchers are available for those who struggle to cover the costs of their prescribed medications.

Pre-boxed distribution plan drive through.

29 W. Main St.
Decatur, IL

(800) SAL-ARMY