Resources for Parents During Extended School Closures

A handout from the Learning Technology Center of Illinois that includes helpful resources by subject.

Online Learning Resources

The Learning Technology Center of Illinois created or curated these resources that address technology-enabled remote learning and e-learning.

COVID-19 Prevention in Schools – IDPH & ISBE Joint Guidance

The Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois State Board of Education provide information for returning to school including joint guidance for COVID-19 prevention in schools and a decision tree for symptomatic individuals in pre-K, K-12 schools and daycare programs.

Remote Learning Resources for Children with Disabilities

The Family Resource Center on Disabilities compiled helpful remote learning resources for a variety of disabilities and special healthcare needs.

The Kinda Guide

The Kinda Guide is designed to be a weekly survival guide for parents and families that will include expert tips on remote learning, parenting advice, virtual camp activities, simple meal and snack ideas and at-home family adventures.

Oswegoland Park District Financial Assistance

The Oswegoland Park Foundation donated $25,000 to the Oswegoland Park District to help fund the district’s financial assistance program. The program enables families experiencing financial hardship to receive reduced fees for park district programs.

Visit the Oswegoland website for more information about available financial assistance.

Aurora Community Resources for Displaced Residents

The City of Aurora provides information on a wide variety of resources including housing, food, clothing and legal assistance.

Census Information Packet for People with Disabilities

Chicagoland Disabled People of Color Coalition (Chicagoland DPOCC), the Institute on Disability and Human Development and Counting on Chicago Coalition came together to create a helpful tool for those who want to learn more about the 2020 U.S. Census and how it affects disability communities throughout the country, including people with disabilities who live in Chicago.

Census 101: #IAmCounted is a packet where you can find out what the census means, how the census can help communities (including the disability community), ways to complete the census and more.

If you would like to get the packet in a different language, email

Lake County Center for Independent Living

Lake County Center for Independent Living (LCCIL) is a non-residential, cross-disability organization governed and staffed by a majority of people with disabilities. The center advocates for a fully accessible society that is inclusive of everyone. LCCIL serves Lake and McHenry counties.

LCCIL offers transition services to adults who want to live independently in their homes in the community and youth who seek a fully productive, independent life as they transition into adulthood. Programs include community transition services, pre-employment transition services and youth transition services.

Wellness Visits and Routine Vaccinations During COVID-19

The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (ICAAP) encourages families to maintain routine pediatric appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic and reach out to pediatricians for questions and support during this difficult time. In-person, routine well-child visits are still recommended for all children at this time, especially children under two who need to maintain their vaccination schedules.

ICAAP provides this helpful infographic on well-visits and immunization for families.