Health & Disability Advocate

This organization is committed to protecting the rights of children, people with disabilities, & low income adults.

MSUD Family Support Group

The website includes information about the condition Maple Syrup Urine Disease.

State of Illinois Health & Wellness

This site has the special state health care programs listed and links to them. It is a good site when you are searching for a state medical program.

National Center for Hearing Assessment & Management

Supports early and continuous screening and works to ensure newborns with hearing losses are identified.

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

The mission of the Institute (NIDCR) is to improve oral, dental and craniofacial health through research, research training, and the dissemination of health information.

National Center for Cultural Competence

Supports family participation and satisfaction and strives to increase the capacity of health and mental health programs.

The Catalyst Center

National center dedicated to improving health care insurance and financing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN).

PKU Organization of Illinois

The PKU Organization of Illinois provides resources and support to teens, adults and families with PKU and 16 allied disorders.

Their website includes information about understanding and managing phenylketonuria (PKU), diet, local resources, events, what to expect at different life stages and a PKU binder toolkit.

National PKU Alliance

The National PKU alliance provides information including the latest research, a guide for new parents, educational videos, cooking and food, personal stories, scholarships, and legislation and policy.

Individuals impacted by Phenylketonuria (known as PKU) may also download the PKU Handbook, a guide to help understand, organize information and manage PKU from diagnosis to adulthood.

Illinois Provider Directory for Children with Disabilities

This online directory can be used to locate providers serving Illinois children. Search by specialty, search by services, or search by city or county where you wish to obtain care.