United Spinal Association Illinois Chapter

The United Spinal Association Illinois Chapter (USAIC)  is a non-profit offering information and support resources for people paralyzed by trauma and medical conditions. It also serves family members and health care and related professionals serving the spinal cord injury community. USAIC is located in Palos Heights but provides information, events and educational programs statewide. Its programs include:

  • Virtual and in person peer support groups
  • The “Living with Spinal Cord Injury” program for health professionals and health science students
  • “Injury Prevention” for school children, seniors and other groups featuring members’ experiences, and information on preventing injuries and falls
  • Advocacy and more

United Cerebral Palsy

United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) promotes a life of inclusion and provides resources for individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, their families and communities.

The UCP website has resources on topics including assistive technology, housing and home modification, travel and transportation, education, caregiving and more. You can also find UCP affiliates in the state of Illinois.


RxAssist can help you learn about ways to use pharmaceutical company programs and other resources to help reduce your medication costs.

Drug Watch

Drugwatch.com includes up-to-date information about prescription and over-the-counter medications and details about associated drug side effects to aid in the protection of patients and consumers.

My Special Diet

A website devoted to the management of a metabolic diet, information about products, recipes.

Healthy Children

HealthyChildren.org is the official parenting website of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The site provides the latest information to help support the optimal physical, mental and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults

Your Genes Your Health

The webpage focuses on several genetic conditions with explanations and illustrations of the genetics of the condition.


Websites can help connect family and friends about a health challenge.

Office of Disability Employment Policy

This agency provides national leadership by developing and influencing disability employment-related policies

WIC Fact Sheet

WIC is a food assistance program for Women, Infants, and Children. It helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well and stay healthy. the Fact Sheet discusses the program and gives delivery methods.