Danny Did Foundation

The Danny Did Foundation works toward its mission to prevent deaths caused by seizures with these main goals in mind: advancing public awareness of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), enhancing the SUDEP communication model between medical professionals and families afflicted by seizures, and the mainstreaming of seizure detection and prediction devices that may assist in preventing seizure-related deaths.

The Danny Did Foundation’s grant program does provide financial assistance for purchasing seizure detection and seizure prediction devices to qualifying individuals.

Together We Prepare – American Sign Language Videos to Help Prepare for Emergencies for People with Disabilities

Emergency Preparedness Tips for Those with Access and Functional Needs

A guidebook from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency that provides preparedness tips for people with visual, cognitive or mobility impairments; people who are deaf or hard of hearing; those who utilize service animals or life support systems; and senior citizens.

Resources for Voters With Disabilities

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission created this comprehensive list of resources for voters with disabilities, which includes links to voting accessibility laws and regulations and the latest best practices and research pertaining to voters with disabilities.

The commission also created a tip sheet to help voters with disabilities vote privately and independently.

Transition QuickGuide: Take Charge of Planning and Managing Your Own Health and Career Goals

The Transition QuickGuide checklist provides information and resources about health insurance coverage, self-care, health care transition, decision-making and career planning and management.

Bounce Children’s Foundation

Bounce Children’s Foundation is a Chicago area non-profit that aims to transform the lives of chronically ill children, and their families, shifting all from surviving to thriving. The foundation serves children from birth to 18 years of age.

Bounce’s  free programs aim to build the resilience needed to cope with the ongoing, unexpected setbacks that define chronic illness. Programs include family adventures, education to strengthen vital coping skills, donated tickets to high demand events, themed care packages for household families, access to resources, peer support and more.

American Heart Association Support Network

A free online social community of survivors and family caregivers who share information and inspiration. Support Network members trade tips, compare notes and shore each other up when the going gets rough. Members also have access to healthcare professionals who can answer their questions. Plus, specialized resources from the American Heart Association.

Sleep Help for Individuals With ASD

Autism Speaks offers parents helpful tips for establishing good sleep hygiene and tool kits targeting sleep strategies for children, teens and adults on the spectrum.

Fresh Start Surgical Gifts

Fresh Start Surgical Gifts provides reconstructive surgery at no cost to families of children who are uninsured, underinsured, denied procedures as cosmetic or the deductible would be a financial hardship to the family. Surgery weekends are held three times a year at Comer Children’s Hospital.

Free Resources for People and Families with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D)

The JDRF (formerly known as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) has shared this one-page information sheet that lists available resources for those living with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).