February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

February 6th, 2015

Child in dental chair brushing tooth model.

Did you know tooth decay affects U.S. children more than any other infectious disease?

The American Dental Association sponsors National Children’s Dental Health Month each February. The campaign aims to help people understand why dental care is so important. A healthy mouth helps children eat, speak, learn, and play without pain.

To read more facts and recommendations, read the full article on the Altarum Institute website.

Bowl for Kids’ Sake Teams Are Forming

January 29th, 2015

It’s that time again to get out and bowl for kids’ sake.

Each year, Big Brothers Big Sisters hosts a bowling event to raise money for their program. This year, the Illinois Capital Region is offering several dates for the 2015 Super Bowl in Springfield. To join in the fun, recruit a team and raise pledges. You’ll enjoy bowling, food, drinks, prizes, and more.

View the flyer for details.

Social Security Offices Expand Hours

January 29th, 2015

Get the official press release about Social Security office hours.

In the past, offices had to cut back hours due to budget cuts. The fiscal year 2015 budget will allow offices to expand their current hours, but the post points out many services do not require an in-person visit. Read the press release.

New Medicaid Rules for Home and Community Based Waivers

January 22nd, 2015

Offer comments on Illinois’ plan to transition into new Medicaid rules.

The federal Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) issued new rules affecting Home and Community Based Waivers. This includes the Home Care Program operated by Specialized Care for Children.

Information about the new rules can be found on Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services’ webpage New Federal Requirements for Residential and Non-Residential Home and Community-Based Settings.

Illinois is required to submit a statewide transition plan to CMS to explain how it will implement the new rules. The plan will also be posted on the webpage.

Illinois is also required to gather public input about the transition plan. If you would like to offer verbal or written comments, or attend a public listening forum or webinar, view the New Medicaid Rules Apply to Home & Community Based Waiver Settings flyer [PDF] for details.

Update as of 4/13/15: the transition plan has been submitted. Read our updated post.


Schedule for Parent Empowerment Calls

January 15th, 2015

2015 schedule released for monthly parent empowerment calls.

The Illinois Department of Human Services hosts empower calls each month. These educational calls are for Illinois parents who have a child with an emotional and/or behavioral concern. A variety of topics aim to give parents information they need to advocate for and support their children.

Calls occur from 12:00pm – 1:00pm on the follow dates

parent empowerment calls

To join a call, dial (800) 260-0702, then enter the access code for the date and topic you are joining.


Arc Announces Assistive Technology Program

January 13th, 2015

Girl using tablet to type out words

Enhance and improve quality of life through technology.

The Arc’s new Assistive Technology Program can fund, or partially fund, the purchase of assistive technology for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Technology devices can help with communication, education, employment, and independence. One example of assistive technology is an iPad. Each family is eligible for up to $500 in funding.

To apply for the program, families must first get an evaluation from a qualified provider. Possible evaluation resources:

  • For children who receive therapy services in school or through early intervention, check with current providers for assistance with an evaluation/assessment.
  • Adults receiving agency-based services, check with your Service Facilitator at the agency or Case Manager at your Independent Service Coordination agency.
  • Check with your primary care physician for recommendations or assistance with the request.
  • Check with local providers of disability and therapy services.
  • Check with local hospitals and medical centers. Many have therapy services and departments.
  • Check with local universities to determine whether they offer these services.
  • The UIC Department of Disability and Human Development Assistive Technology Unit provides free Assistive Technology Assessments.  More information and contact details are available at www.uicatu.org. Referrals can be made via an e-mail to atu@uic.edu or faxed to (312) 413-3709.
  • If you are enrolled in either the Integrated Care Program (ICP) or the Medicare-Medicaid Alignment Initiative (MMAI) Program, you may check with the care coordinator at your managed care company. Start by calling the toll free customer service number.
  • The Illinois Life Span website at www.illinoislifespan.org lists service providers by Service Type, Provider Type and by County.  Please check for providers or call (800) 588-7002 for assistance.

For more information, or to apply, view the Arc’s Technology Assistance Application.

Before & After School Program Refunded

January 8th, 2015

East Richland Community Unit School District #1 to reopen school programs in February.

The district has been refunded, allowing it to support before and after school programs at West Richland Elementary, East Richland Middle School, and grades 3-5 at East Richland Elementary School.

Programs are expected to resume in February, beginning 30 minutes before school and until 5:30pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

For more details, or to apply as an instructor for the program, contact Sherry Geier at (618) 395-4372 extension 2213.

Student Raising Funds for Van to Fulfill College Dream

December 2nd, 2014

Lauren uses a wheelchair and is raising funds so she can use a van to get back and forth to college.

This WGN news story details the story of Lauren, an Illinois teen who has spinal muscular atrophy. Through a special computer she uses to communicate, Lauren tells about her lifelong dreams and what she would do if she had a van to help her get around. Watch Lauren’s story.

You can check on the progress of her fundraising at Lauren’s GoFundMe page.

Camp STAR 2015 Registration Opens

December 2nd, 2014

Register now for this unique Summer camp for children with ADHD and related disorders.

Camp dates will be June 15 through July 31st.  For more information call Amy Shimoni at 847-433-6001, extension 108.

Camp STAR is an award-winning summer treatment program for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and related disorders. This seven-week camp is hosted in Highland Park, IL. Campers enjoy fun, recreational activities while improving social behavior, learning problem solving skills and boosting self-esteem.

Camp STAR is a joint effort by the Hyperactivity, Attention, and Learning Problems Clinic (HALP) at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the Jewish Council for Youth Services.

Visit the Camp STAR webpage to see campers in action or register for Summer 2015.



Health Insurance Marketplace Calculator

November 19th, 2014

Calculate how much it would cost to get health coverage through the health insurance marketplace.