American Academy of Pediatrics Flu Vaccine Recommendations

October 22nd, 2015

Cute little girl dressed as doctor playing with toy

What’s the latest with the flu?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) addresses the topic in its policy, “Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2015-16.”  The policy offers updated recommendations for routine use of the seasonal flu vaccine and antiviral medications for the prevention and treatment of influenza in children.

More information is available in this memo from the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (ICAAP).

Spanish Calls about Hearing Loss

September 24th, 2015

Young smiling woman talking on the mobile phone

A series of conference calls, spoken in Spanish, offer information about hearing loss.

Mark your calendar to dial-in and listen to guest speaker, Audiologist Alejandra Ullauri, discuss

  • New diagnosis: hearing loss and what is a hearing test battery (September 22, 2015 at 8:30pm)
  • New audiology terms and their meaning to help you better understand results and recommendations (October 13, 2015 at 8:30pm)
  • Follow-up appointments: a lifetime commitment (November 10, 2015 at 8:30pm)

For more information, view the flyer in [English].

To join, dial (888) 494-4032 and use access code 4231446909.

Llamadas en Español sobre la Pérdida de Audición


Una serie de conferencias telefónicas, dadas en español, ofrecerán información sobre la pérdida de audición.

Marque en su calendario para marcar y escuchar al orador invitado, la audióloga Alejandra Ullauri, quien discutirá

  • Nuevo diagnóstico: pérdida de la audición y lo que es una batería de pruebas de audición (el 22 de Septiembre del 2015 a las 8:30 pm)
  • Nuevos términos de audiología y su significado para ayudar a entender mejor los resultados y recomendaciones (el 13 de Octubre del 2015 a las 8:30 pm)
  • Seguimiento de las citas: un compromiso de por vida (el 10 de Noviembre del 2015 a las 8:30 pm)

Para más información, ver el folleto en [Español].

Para participar, marque el (888) 494-4032 y utilizar el código de acceso 4231446909.

Continuing Care Classes with Pediatric Therapists

September 1st, 2015

The Marionjoy Continuing Care Program announces its schedule for Fall classes.

The classes are taught by pediatric therapists who use fun activities to help children work on

  • oral motor skills
  • fine motor skills
  • arm and hand coordination
  • language and social interaction

For more information, view Marionjoy’s Fall 2015 Class Schedule.

Marketplace Income Counting Error

August 17th, 2015

If you have an insurance plan through the marketplace and you receive Social Security, you may want to have your eligibility reviewed.

An error was discovered in the way Social Security was counted towards income (does not include Supplemental Social Security). If you applied for a plan on the marketplace before April 17, 2015, you may receive a notice to apply for a new determination.

A new determination will ensure your tax credits and cost-sharing reductions are calculated correctly.

Read the full article at Health Reform: Beyond the Basics.

Help Build Your Child’s Brain

August 17th, 2015

A new research-based book teaches parents how to prepare their children for success.

Author, Dr. Dana Suskind, founder of the Thirty Million Words initiative at the University of Chicago, reveals socioeconomic status and parent education are not the key components to a child’s learning ability. Dr. Suskind says its actually much simpler – parents should start having conversations with their child the day they are born.

The book is based on a 1995 study that found children who heard more words were better prepared to enter school. They had bigger vocabularies, were stronger readers, and got higher test scores.

In Thirty Million Words, Dr. Suskind gives parents a strategy to prepare children for success by tuning in, talking more, and taking turns.

Read the full press release and consider pre-ordering a copy for half price ($14).

Summer Meals Illinois

June 24th, 2015

Free/reduced meals available during Summertime

Summer Meals Illinois, a federally funded program, administered by the Illinois State Board of Education, provides free, healthy and nutritious meals during the summer months to qualifying children in need, ages 18 and under.

Summer is a critical time for food access for children. A recent report from the Food Research and Action Center shows that only 14.8% of Illinois children who receive free and reduced meals in school also receive meals in summer. Many families simply don’t know that meals are available in their neighborhood—at more than 1,700 sites statewide.

For more information, call (800) 359-2163, text FoodIL to 877877, or visit You can also view the SummerMeals Flyer.

Registration Open for Camp Little Giant

May 28th, 2015

Specialized camping programs are available near Carbondale.

Camp Little Giant offers programs for individuals with physical and developmental disabilities, visual and hearing impairments, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, autism, ADD/ADHD, traumatic brain injuries and special needs individuals. Registration is now open!

Many camps are available depending on the age and needs of the camper.

Visit Camp Little Giant’s website for more information.

Accessible Vehicle Giveaway

April 15th, 2015

NMEDA is giving away 4 wheelchair accessible vehicles for National Mobility Awareness Month.

One vehicle in each of the four categories will be given:

  • for a caregiver
  • for a senior
  • battery-powered vehicle
  • general category

To enter, NMEDA asks you to get a quality needs assessment from your local dealer, complete an entry form, and submit your story.

For more information, visit NMEDA’s website.

Statewide Transition Plan for Illinois Waivers

April 13th, 2015

Federal government requires transition plan for waivers and Illinois responds.

Earlier this year, we posted about a new regulation that requires states with Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services to develop a transition plan. This includes services offered through the Home Care Program. Read our January 2015 post New Medicaid Rules for Home and Community Based Waivers.

The plan is intended to help individuals receiving these services gain full access to benefits of community living. It also promotes services in the most integrated setting that is appropriate.

For more information, or to read the specific transition plan submitted by The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, visit their Statewide Transition Plan webpage.

Preparation is Key to Successful IEP Meetings

April 6th, 2015

How will you prepare to make the most out of your next IEP meeting?

Individualized education programs (IEPs) offer special education services to meet children’s learning needs. IEPs are created through a planning process that involves parents and school members. Each IEP meeting is an opportunity to discuss what works and what can be improved to make the most of your child’s school experience.

Since most IEPs are written in the Spring time, it’s best to prepare now. When you prepare for an IEP meeting, you’ll understand the process and you’ll know what you want to talk about and questions that you have. Planning ahead helps you make the most out of the meeting.

If you want to know more about IEPs or need help planning, your care coordinator can assist you – call us at (800) 322-3722.

If you prefer to plan on your own, the Spring 2015 Family Matters Newsletter introduces several resources from it’s lending library.