Virtual – 10th Annual RAISE Summit “Let’s Do Nothing About Us Without Us”
Free virtual summit focusing on developing skills to improve the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities and their families
Join the National RAISE Center‘s 10th Annual Summit on Zoom on July 25 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
If you can’t make it to the summit in person, you can still participate virtually!
Spend time with summit participants developing and strengthening relationships with key partners to improve transition outcomes.
Activities will focus on leadership development, networking and team building. They will include:
- A young adult showcase
- A Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Parent Centers spotlight
RAISE provides individuals with disabilities and their families with support and free information about special education topics, state and federal laws, trainings and local resources.
The summit is free.
Register for the RAISE Annual Summit on Zoom.