2022 Camp Lions of Illinois – Youth Week in Southern Illinois
Free summer camp for youth ages 7 – 17 with vision or hearing loss
Camp Lions of Illinois is hosting “Youth Week” from July 31 – Aug. 6 at Camp DuBois Center, 2651 Quarry Road, in Du Bois.
Camp Lions provides eligible youth with vision and/or hearing loss a camping experience filled with fun, challenging activities and an opportunity to make new friends with peers of similar abilities. Camp activities focus on building campers’ self-confidence, knowledge, independence, leadership and creativity through recreational experiences geared to individual abilities.
Campers will enjoy water sports, fishing, team challenges, ga-ga ball, beeper and baseball, archery, swimming, boating, tubing, arts and crafts, cookouts and s’ mores. There’s also a horse barn on-site with trail riding and time to relax and talk with new friends under the shade of a tree.
Cabins have showers and washrooms in the same building.
Youth Week is for campers ages 7 – 17 with vision and/or hearing loss.
Visit the Camp Lions website for more information and to register. You may also email camplions@lifnd.org or visit the Camp Lions Facebook page.