Monthly Virtual Support Group for Parents of High School Students With IEPs
Virtual meetings for parents of youth ages 14 to 21 who are eligible for special education services
Family Matters Parent Training and Information Center invites parents to join a monthly virtual support group for parents of youth ages 14 to 21 who are eligible for special education services.
The meetings will provide an opportunity to ask questions about translation-related issues and share stories and ideas.
Family Matters will provide information on transition-related topics. Parents will have an open discussion on issues related to:
- Transition-age assessments of students
- Courses of study in high school
- Securing opportunities to learn job skills
- Soft skills that are vital to obtain and maintain employment
- Community living and more
The meeting will take place via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on June 16.
The meeting ID is: 819 6890 9155
The meeting passcode is: 755018